Two days!

A mere two days before the official launch of the Episode 3 booklets, and only now do I take the time to write about it. Smarts are lacking. Things are looking bright, though. The Book of Faces was warned well in advance, and there was even a tiny poster campaign. This thursday, the 28th of november, at Antwerp’s city hall. I like the ring of that.

One year ago, a stern look from a senior artist scoured my pages.
“You suck at anatomy”, he said. “Think more about the placement of your word balloons; you should use them to guide your readers’ eyes across the page.” Meanwhile, someone else criticized (ridiculed) me for my overwrought, theoretical and distant dialogue. “I can’t connect with your stupid stuffy talking characters,” she said. “they’re just saying blah blah blah, theoretical non-interesting bullshit,…I can’t care for what they’re saying.”


Many more criticisms were uttered (take a look at the About page’s comments, for example) during the last year. I took away from that what I could. Many of the lessons learned have been put into practice while constructing Episode 3.

For those wanting to join in, you’re most welcome this thursday. There’ll be free drinks and a live performance by Ashtoreth.