Starting next Tuesday, October 23, A Song Called City will increase its update schedule and bring you a new page twice a week: once on Tuesday and once on Friday.

We’ve bided our time shifting up gears like this-and with good reason: we had to be absolutely sure we’d be able to keep up the pace. Nothing scared us more than the thought of burning through our carefullly crafted comic pages at breakneck speed as we helplessly watch our buffer melt like snow before our eyes. Therefor, every Tuesday and Friday there’ll have to be a comic up at one past midnight, or we’ll have failed our readers and broken the u̶n̶s̶p̶o̶k̶e̶n̶ oft-spoken law of webcomic authordom: “Nothing’s more sacred than the Great Update Schedule.”

After almost two years total of working on A Song Called City, we’re now confident in our ability to produce double the amount of comic pages at -dare I say it- double the quality as well. We hope you’ll enjoy this additional serving of  story each week–and we hope the reduced waiting time inbetween updates will only benefit your reading experience.

Let us know how you feel in the comments below or on our Facebook Page.

Also starting next week, Rik will be writing a weekly blogpost of his own to go with each Tuesday comic while my own blogposts will just continue to appear alongside the Friday comics as before. He’s told me a few of the subjects he’s looking to tackle and I’m genuinely looking forward to read them myself.

We’re very happy being able to bring you this news. A Song Called City has been -and continues to be- a tremendously satisfying project to work on. Being able to give people more of what they want, is an amazing feeling.

Thank you for gently placing that feeling inside of us.